Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Question Everything.

Biblical Christianity is quite unique in the fact that it teaches us to question everything. [Such as in 1 Thess. where it says to test EVERYTHING.]  The direct context of these verses points at questioning things WITHIN the confines of Christianity.

Yet we live in a time and a place where we seldom question anything done under the banner of Jesus.  "If it gets just one person saved!" is the end all for most everything. Or we can always justify things by saying that "God has led us to do this"--then no one is supposed to question our personal transactions with God. Yet I know from experience that it is very easy to mistakenly believe that the things you are interested in doing are the things God has called you to do. Feelings can be very misleading.

Not to mention that questioning things in the local church is most often frowned upon--patronized--rebuked--gets you labeled a weirdo--or told that another church might be better for you! [Truth is the system itself even discourages questioning.]

My experience is that the leaders are most often the least approachable to questions of this sort. I understand this firsthand from both sides. But in actuality  anyone who is truly mature in Christ should be very open to being questioned. So then many people who hold "positions" of leadership in churches are not actual leaders.

So where have we gone wrong? And does it make a difference?

Well to point to where we went wrong would have to start in the garden with Adam and Eve. Now of course they screwed up and sinned--but it goes a bit deeper than that.  To put it simply--they ate of the tree of knowledge of good and evil and they got just that....then they understood good and evil.
To me they took a step back right here. They wanted to be knowledgeable in this way but they didn't grasp what they ALREADY had.

Before this sin they were in a working relationship with God. Just chillin' in the garden. They were able to rest in God with God.

But then they were tricked into wanting to be "like" God because of this knowledge offered by this tree. This wonderful relationship of resting in God was not enough!! Amazing. "Knowledge puffs up." By becoming "like" God they took a monumental step back!
This is what people often overlook--now that they know evil and good both are a severe hindrance to their resting in God. Now instead of resting in a relationship with God they are constantly weighing things out as evil or good. A law-like mind set had begun. Instead of just following God's lead they are now trying to figure things out for themselves in their own knowledge. Not good.

Everyone pretty much realizes that once sin entered the world it just kept going and going until we live in a "sin sick" world. But I believe there are much less noticed consequences of sin. Such as--
Part of these consequences was that we now had to work. To work and do things properly you have to follow a system. There needs to be some sort of regiment to how things will be done and when they will be done. Also is there are many people working on the same job there needs to be managers and such to help keep things running well.

So for most Christians they have to work many hours a week in such a system of work. Plus they have to use the same type of regiments in school or even in the care of their own house.

So then all of these hours per week are spent following some sort of man-made system. BUT.....our relationship with God is supposed to be like what we see in the garden originally!  Our church [body] experience is supposed to be free from man-made systems as well. That is HOW GOD DESIGNED IT.

Welp, I'm gonna tell ya right now, it's ain't easy to have to do all this stuff in the work world and school etc. and not drag those systems and mindsets into Christianity.

Which brings me back to my original questions--

Why don't we question everything?[Even within Christianity?] We don't question  because we don't like to admit that we have been doing it wrong. [Pride]
We don't question because the religious professionals of mainstream Christianity must know best. [Pride]
We don't question because it's easy not to. [Laziness]
We don't question because it will cause us trouble and people might think we are weird. [Wimpy]
The bottom line though is that we don't question because we are disobedient.

And finally--Does it make a difference?
Yes! It makes all the difference for us in the world! Or should I say the world makes all the difference in us?

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